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What: Java & Android App

When: October – November 2014

A project for my Human Computer Interaction course in 2014. This was built in a team of two. My role in this project was creating the GUI for both the Java and Android app. We built an app for Diabetic patients to have suggestions for meals, keep tab on sensors that were to collect important details about their health, they could also keep a record of their medical reminders and doctor’s appointments. The Java version of the application was the main goal, therefore it is more detailed, while the Android version had simpler functions

The app begins with a login screen as it retains user data for each particular user.

News users can create a new account by entering the necessary information required of diabetics.

Relevant sections can be accessed by clicking the iconographic buttons as seen here.


The first steps in creating this application involved mapping out all the use cases required based on the various information we would provide our targeted users.

This was divided into six main menu options: exercise, nutrition, sensor data, reminders for medication and doctor’s appointments.

Initial sketches done to map out the types of information we would keep for our user and the interactions they would have with the app.


Java Application

Each of the six menu options lead to their on screens with their own interactions. The icons, the customised buttons (seen left) in the main dashboard and layout design were all design by me.

The app’s focus was to create an app that provides for the character and information needs of a user. In this case these users are diabetics. So they have a few things that they must have information on – their exercise, doctor’s appointments, insulin reminders, sensors around them to monitor their hearbeat and breathing patterns as well as nutrition.