Master’s Thesis: Co-designing an employee MyData service
Previous Project Master’s Thesis: Co-designing an employee MyData service February to July 2020 Co-Design | Service Design | UI/UX Design | User Research Next Project Personal data privacy is a crucial and timely issue as we are living in a post-GDPR world where...
Planet Centric Design at Vincit
Academic May – July 2019 Design Methodology | Digital Design | Innovation | Service Design | Sustainability | Systems Thinking Vincit’s Planet Centric Design offer is a way to transition how digital designs and development companies are working to include...
Data Journalism Fundamentals MOOC 2017
Previous Project Data Journalism Fundamentals MOOC 2017 Next Project Objectives To re-run the Massive Online Open Course “Data Journalism Fundamentals” to reach even more Asian students and journalists. In the last course iteration, students had suggested...